
Data Privacy Policy

  • Data Protection Policy
    • I. Name and address of the controller
    • II. Address and contact data of the data protection officer
    • III. Making available the website and generating log files
    • IV. Using cookies
    • V. Newsletters
    • VI. Registration
    • VII. Contact form and email contact
    • VIII. Data transfer to third parties
    • IX. Google analytics
    • X. Hotjar
    • XI. Facebook fanpages
    • XII. LinkedIn
    • XIII. Youtube
    • XIV. Twitter
    • XV. Instagram fanpages
    • XVI. Xing and Kununu
    • XVIII. Google MAPS API
    • XIX. Cloudflare
    • XX. Sprout social
    • XXI. Walls.IO
    • XXII. concludis
    • XXIII. Applications by using WhatsApp functionality
    • XXIV. Flipsnack
    • XXV. Google Ads
    • XXVI. Google Fonts
    • XXVII. Google Tag Manager
    • XVIII. OneTrust
    • XXIX. Mautic Pixel
    • XXX. Microsoft Advertising
    • XXXI. Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)
    • SalesViewer
    • XXXII. The rights of data subject



The controller in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws in the member states as well as other data protection law provisions is:

Rhenus SE & Co. KG
Rhenus-Platz 1
59439 Holzwickede
Phone: +49 (0)2301 29-0




Data Protection Officer

Rechtsanwältin Michaela Berger
Rechtsanwalt Norbert Geyer (Stellvertretung)

RDP Röhl Dehm & Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Moritzplatz 6
86150 Augsburg

Tel.: +49 (0)821 3195388


We would like to provide you with the following notes and information regarding the way that we carefully protect your private details and the extensive level of confidentiality when handling your data:



1. Anonymous data collection

In principle, you can use our websites without informing us who you are. We only learn about technical data like the name of your Internet service provider, the website from which you come and the corporate websites that you visit. This information is assessed with the date and time details for internal statistical purposes related to advertising, website analysis and for designing our websites to meet needs. You remain completely anonymous as a user in this process. No pseudonymised user profiles are generated.

2. The purpose and legal basis of data processing

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary in order to enable the website to be sent to the user’s computer. The user’s IP address must be stored for the duration of the session. The legal basis for temporarily storing the data is found in Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the GDPR.

3. The length of time that data is stored

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. When gathering data to make available the website, deletion occurs once the session in question has ended.

4. Opportunity to object and to have the data removed

The logging of data for making available the website and storing data in log files is absolutely necessary to operate the Internet site. There is therefore no opportunity for the user to object to this.


1. Description and scope of the data processing

We make use of cookies to improve the quality of establishing the link with and the content of our website and to provide user-oriented navigation that is as smooth as possible. We make use of so-called session cookies that are restricted to the time of your visit to the website. They are used to determine which content is viewed from your PC while you continue to surf and they also play a role in increasing your security when surfing. Once you leave our website or do not click on it for a certain time, these short-term cookies are deleted again.  

Cookies cannot do any damage to your PC. They do not cause any security risk in the sense of viruses or spying on your PC. You control how cookies are handled yourself. Please use the help function in your browser to allow, reject, view and delete them.

We make use of cookies in order to make our website more user-friendly. Some elements on our website require us to identify the browser making the request after you move from one site to another. The following data is therefore stored and transmitted in the cookies:

  • language settings

We also use cookies that enable an analysis of the surfing behaviour of users. The following data can be transmitted in this way:

  • search terms that are entered

2. The purpose and legal basis of data processing

The purpose of using absolutely necessary cookies (technically necessary cookies) is to enable the use of websites for the users. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using absolutely necessary cookies is Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the GDPR.

Some functions of our website are not available without using cookies. It is essential for them that the browser is recognised again after a change of site. We need cookies for the following applications:

  • to take over language settings

The user data collected through the cookies required for technical purposes is not used to draw up any user profiles.

Analysis cookies are used for the purpose of improving the quality of our website and its content. The analysis cookies enable us to see how the website is being used and we are then able to continually optimise our services. The following analysis cookies are used:

  • to note search terms

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using non-technically necessary cookies (performance cookies) is Article 6 Para. 1 a) of the GDPR (consent).

3. The length of time that data is stored and the opportunity to object and to have the data removed

Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and are transmitted to our site by the latter. As a user, you therefore have full control over the use of cookies. By making changes to the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the sending of cookies. Any cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. This can take place automatically too. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may not be possible for you to make full use of all the functions available on the website.


1. Description and scope of the data processing

Newsletters are sent on the basis of the user’s registration on the website:

It is possible to subscribe to a free newsletter on our website. The data entered on the input form is sent to us once you register for the newsletter. The following data is processed in this case:

  • your first name and surname 
  • your email address
  • your company (optional)
  • your phone number (optional)

The following data is also gathered when you register:

  • the IP address of the computer making the request
  • the date and time of registration

Your consent is obtained to process the data as part of the registration process and reference is made to this data protection declaration.

The newsletter is sent on the basis of the sale of goods or services:

If you purchase goods or services from our website and leave your email address there, we may use this subsequently to send out a newsletter. In this case, the newsletter is exclusively used to directly advertise our own similar goods or services.

No data is forwarded to third parties in conjunction with processing data to send out newsletters. The data is exclusively used for sending out the newsletter.

The job newsletter mailing is based on the offer of vacant job positions for the Rhenus Group. With your selection of certain job criteria (career level, field of activity, company, country) we will inform you weekly about new job offers in the form of a Job Newsletter.

2. The purpose and legal basis data processing

Newsletters are sent on the basis of the user’s registration on the website. The user’s email address is gathered for the purpose of delivering the newsletter. The gathering of other personal data as part of the registration process is used to prevent any misuse of the services or the email address that is used. 

The legal basis for processing the data, once the user has registered for the newsletter, is Article 6 Para. 1 a) of the GDPR, provided that the user has given consent for this.

The newsletter is sent out due to the sale of goods or services: Legal basis for the dispatch of the newsletter as a result of the sale of goods or services is § 7 Para. 3 UWG (german law) or Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the GDPR.

3. The length of time that data is stored

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. The user’s email address is therefore stored for as long as the subscription to the newsletter is active.

The personal data collected during the registration process is usually deleted after a period of seven days.

4. Opportunities to object and to have the data removed

The user concerned can terminate the subscription to the newsletter at any time. There is an appropriate link in each newsletter for this purpose. There is also an opportunity to cancel any consent to store the personal data that is gathered during the registration process.


On our website you have several options for jumping to different tools of the Rhenus Group. Some of these require logins / registrations. The respective data protection regulations can be found on the start pages of the tools.



1. Description and scope of managing the data

There is a contact form on our website and it can be used to make contact electronically. If a user makes use of this facility, the data entered on the input form is sent to us and stored. This data involves:

  • subject
  • first name
  • last name
  • email address
  • name of the company
  • address of the company
  • country/Region
  • phone number
  • details of your delivery
  • free text
  • time of the request
  • IP address

Alternatively, it is possible to make contact via the email address that is made available. In this case, the user’s personal data that is sent with the email is stored.  

2. The purpose and legal basis of data processing

Within the scope of your contacting us, we process your personal data on the basis of the following legal principles for the following purposes:

The processing of the personal data from the contact form or your email serves us solely to process the contact and in case of follow-up questions. The legal basis for the processing of the data is our legitimate interest in answering your request in accordance with Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the GDPR and, if applicable, Article 6 Para. 1 b) of the GDPR, if your request is aimed at the conclusion of a contract.

The other personal data processed when the email is sent is used to prevent any misuse of the contact form and guarantee the security of our IT systems.  The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the GDPR.

3. The length of time that data is stored

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. This is the case for any personal data from the input form in the contact form and the data that is sent by email when the relevant conversation with the user has been concluded. The conversation has been ended when the circumstances suggest that the facts of the case in question have been finally resolved.

The personal data, which is also gathered during the sending procedure, is deleted after a period of seven days, at the very latest.

4. Recipients of the data

In our contact form you can select the topic on which you would like to make an inquiry. Inquiries on the topic "General" are handled by the central specialist department. If necessary, we will forward your inquiry to the responsible Rhenus company for internal processing. This company will process the data you have provided in order to contact you regarding your inquiry.

Enquiries on all other topics are automatically forwarded for internal processing to the stored contact mail of the relevant Rhenus company and processed there. This company will process the data you have provided in order to contact you regarding your inquiry.

5. Opportunity to object and to have the data removed

In the case of Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR, you can object to the processing of your personal data at any time. Please note that in this case your request cannot be processed further. You can declare your objection by sending an email to our email address given above.


Google reCAPTCHA, Google Maps API). If you give your consent through our cookie banner, we will transfer the necessary data to the respective provider (e.g. your IP address).

If you consent to the activation of these services through our cookie banner, it cannot be ruled out that personal data will be transmitted to providers in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) which, from the point of view of the European Union ("EU"), do not ensure an "appropriate level of protection" for the processing of personal data in accordance with EU standards. Possible risks that cannot currently be ruled out are in particular:

- Your personal data could possibly be passed on to other third parties beyond the actual purpose (for example: use your data for advertising purposes.)

- You may not be able to sustainably assert or enforce your right to information toward the third-party provider.

- There is possibly a higher probability that incorrect data processing can occur, as the technical and organizational measures taken by third-party providers to protect personal data do not fully meet the requirements of the GDPR in terms of quantity and quality.

- The risk of data transmission to the USA is basically the relatively easy access to data by US authorities, as well as the fact that EU citizens do not have effective legal remedies against the extensive access rights of US authorities to personal data.

Please take this fact into account before you give your consent and thus allow your data to be transmitted.

For more information, please refer to our cookie banner.

The same applies to the social media profiles we operate when you visit our pages at the respective social media provider (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).


On our website we use a link to our Facebook fan page. Jointly responsible for the operation of our Facebook fan pages is Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The data protection officer can be reached via the contact form or by post at the above address. Facebook Inc, is the American parent company of Facebook Ltd. Ireland. According to the requirement of Article 26 GDPR, an agreement for joint responsibility has been concluded. The agreement can be found here:

1. The purpose and legal basis of processing data

You can access our social media fan pages regularly at any time on the Internet, regardless of whether or not you have created a user account on the platform in question. If you are logged in to your facebook account, facebook can assign this to your facebook account. In both cases, however, your data will be processed by the internet platforms of the social network.

Every time you access the social media platform, your IP address is recorded and saved. In addition, a cookie is usually set on your site, which stores your visit and other data about your visit to the social media platform. Please note that Rhenus has no influence on the collection of data and its further use by the social networks. For example, there is no knowledge of the extent to which, where and for how long the data is stored, to what extent the networks comply with existing deletion obligations, what evaluations and links are made with the data and to whom the data is passed on. When calling up our facebook fanpages, your data will be transferred to the USA.

a) Facebook-Insights

Rhenus and Facebook have a joint controllership to process this personal data in events for page insights ("Insights data"), as well as for data such as comments, likes, etc. The joint responsibility includes the creation of these events and their consolidation into Page-Insights, which are then made available to Rhenus.

We use "Facebook-Insights" to obtain a presentation of statistically processed data without personal reference. The statistical processing is generated and provided by Facebook. Rhenus, as the fan page operator, has no influence on the generation and provision. The data processing carried out by us is to a limited extent. This enables us to determine the behavior of our users and use this information to optimize our posts. Through the "Facebook Insights" we can learn, for example, about the following static data: the number of times the fan page is called up, the activity of its visitors, the range of posts, calls as well as the average duration of video playback, data on which country and city our visitors come from and statistics on the gender ratio of our visitors. The associated personal data processing takes place exclusively on Facebook. It is also possible that personal data may be processed when visiting our fan pages. Further information on the scope and processing of your personal data can be found in privacy policy of facebook.

The legal basis for the storage of Insights data on our part is the balancing of interests in accordance with Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR, so that the fan page is optimised and attractive for visitors.

b) Contact requests and visitor activity

If you contact us through facebook messenger to inform yourself about our services or to share your feedback, we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest in responding to your request in accordance with Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR and, if applicable, Article 6 Para. 1 b) GDPR, if your request is aimed at the conclusion of a contract.

Usually we receive the following data from you:

  • name, first name,
  • gender,
  • age, place of residence (if they are public),
  • information that you provide in your message or comment to us,
  • if you have responded to our post and type of response, or you have shared or commented on it.

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their collection and no legal obligations to retain them exist. For the personal data from Facebook messages, this is the case when the respective conversation with the user has ended. The conversation ends when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter in question has been finally clarified.

2. Rights of the data subject

As part of the joint contollership with Facebook, you can exercise your rights as a data subject in accordance with Article 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 GDPR both on Facebook and with us. Facebook assumes the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the GDPR for the processing of Insights data, in particular the safeguarding of the rights of data subjects. If you wish to make use of your rights as a data subject, please contact Facebook directly. If you do not want Facebook to be able to assign visits to our pages to your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.


Our website makes use of functions from the LinkedIn network. The provider here is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland. Each time that you access one of our sites, which contains the LinkedIn functions, a connection is established with the LinkedIn servers. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our Internet sites with your IP address. If you click on LinkedIn’s “Recommend” button and are logged into your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn is able to assign your visit to our Internet site to you and your user account. We would point out that we as the provider of the sites do not know the content of the data that is transmitted or how LinkedIn uses this.

You can find more information on this in data privacy declaration of LinkedIn at:

LinkedIn Insight Tag

On our pages we use the so-called Insight Tag of the social network LinkedIn. This is used by the LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereafter "LinkedIn"). The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a small JavaScript code snippet that we have added to our website.

The LinkedIn Insight tag allows us to collect information about visits to our website, including URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser characteristics, timestamps and page views. This data is encrypted, anonymized within seven days, and the anonymized data is deleted within 90 days. LinkedIn does not share any personally identifiable information with us, but only provides aggregate reports about the website's audience and display performance. LinkedIn also provides retargeting for site visitors, which allows us to use this data to display targeted advertising outside our site without identifying the member. LinkedIn members can control the use of their personal information for advertising purposes in their account settings.

Rhenus is responsible for processing the data from Insight Tag jointly with LinkedIn. The agreement according to Article 26 GDPR can be found here:

1. The purpose and legal basis of data processing

The LinkedIn Insight tag is used for the purpose of providing detailed campaign reporting and information about visitors to our website and thus our advertising and marketing interests. As a LinkedIn marketing solutions customer, we use the LinkedIn Insight tag to track conversions, retarget our site visitors, and gather additional information about the LinkedIn members who view our ads. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR. Details on data collection (purpose, scope, further processing, use) as well as your rights and setting options can be found in the LinkedIn data protection information. These notes from LinkedIn can be found at:

2. The length of time that data is stored

The data is encrypted, anonymized within seven days and the anonymized data is deleted within 90 days.

As a user, you can also decide at any time whether to execute the Java-Script code required for the tool via your browser settings. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the execution of Java-Script and thus prevent it from being saved. Note: If the execution of Java-Script is deactivated, it is possible that not all functions of the website can be used to their full extent.

3. Opportunity to object and to have the data removed / Opt-Out

If you are a LinkedIn member and do not want LinkedIn to collect information about you through our website and link it to your membership information held by LinkedIn, you must log out of LinkedIn before visiting our website. You can also disable the cookie here, regardless of your LinkedIn membership: Opt-Out.

As part of the joint responsibility with LinkedIn, you can exercise your rights as a data subject in accordance with Article 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 GDPR both with LinkedIn and with us. LinkedIn undertakes to fulfil the obligations arising from the GDPR for the processing of Insights data, in particular to guarantee the rights of data subjects. If you wish to exercise your data subject rights, please contact LinkedIn directly.


Our website uses features of the network of the YouTube site operated by Google. The site is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, which is a subsidiary of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. When you visit one of our YouTube channel-equipped sites, a connection to YouTube's servers is established. This tells the YouTube server which of our pages you have visited.

If you are logged in to your YouTube account, you allow YouTube to assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile.

When you interact with our YouTube channel, we receive the following categories of personal data:

  • your username and other information you have posted on your profile;
  • when you subscribe or unsubscribe to our channel;
  • mark a video clip with "I like" or "I no longer like";
  • recommend it in a post or comment;
  • comment on, share or respond to a channel post.

You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. If you are not logged in, we only receive static data without any personal reference:

  • views of the videos and average duration of video playback;
  • the website from which you came;
  • percentage of likes;
  • real-time activity;
  • information about which countries the visitors come from,
  • statistics on the age and gender ratio of visitors.

The purpose for processing your personal data is our legitimate interest in offering you interesting videos about our services or Rhenus world as well as making our YouTube presence more attractive (Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR).

You can find more information on how user data is handled in YouTube’s data privacy declaration at:

Information on how to change your privacy settings on Google can be found at this link:



We are present in the social network Twitter. These functions are offered by the Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Ireland.

When you interact with our Twitter profile, we receive the following categories of personal information:

  • your username and other information you have posted on your profile;
  • when you follow or stop following our channel;
  • mark a post with "I like" or "I no longer like";
  • comment, retweet or respond to a post or comment.

You can prevent this by logging out of your Twitter account. The purpose for processing your personal data is our legitimate interest in exchanging information with our fans (Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR).

By using Twitter and the "Re-Tweet" function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users. Data is also transferred to Twitter in the process. We would like to point out that we, as the provider of the sites, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Twitter. For further information, please refer to the Twitter privacy policy at:

You can change your privacy settings on Twitter in the account settings at


We present ourselves on the social media platform Instagram. The Instagram service is a Facebook product provided by Facebook Ireland Limited. Jointly responsible for the operation of our Instagram custom pages is Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The Privacy Officer can be contacted using the contact form or by post at the above address.

When calling up our Instagram Fanpages, Instagram collects personal data of the users. Such data collection by Instagram may also occur with visitors who are not logged in or registered with Instagram. Further information on the scope and processing of your personal data by Instagram can be found in privacy policy from Instagram.

Rhenus receives anonymous statistics on the use and utilization of the fan pages from Instagram due to the legitimate interest according to Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR. The following information is provided:

  • follower: Number of people who follow Rhenus - including growth and development over a defined period of time.
  • reach: Number of people who see a specific contribution. Number of interactions on a contribution.
  • ad performance: How many people were reached with a contribution or a paid ad and have interacted with it?

We use these statistics, from which we cannot draw conclusions about individual users, to constantly improve our presence on Instagram and to better respond to the interests of our users. We cannot link the statistical data with the profile data of our fans.

Rhenus receives personal data via Instagram if you actively communicate this to us via a personal message on Instagram. We use your data (e.g. first name, surname) to answer your request and in case of follow-up questions. The processing of personal data in this case serves us to process your contact and in case of follow-up questions. The legal basis for the processing of the data is our legitimate interest in answering your request in accordance with Article 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR and, if applicable, Article 6 Para. 1 b) GDPR, if your request is aimed at the conclusion of a contract. The data will be deleted by us as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their collection and no legal obligations to retain them exist, or when the respective conversation with the user has ended. The conversation is terminated when it can be concluded from the circumstances that the matter in question has been finally clarified.


The Rhenus Group takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We would, therefore, like to let you know about the details of our Privacy Policy which we always adhere to during an application process.

What information is stored?
When you send us your online application, it is automatically read and filed in our application management system. All documents sent with your application (cover letter, CV, diplomas and other certificates) and all the information contained in these documents are also stored in this system.

If you hand in your application in person or send it to us by post, it is first digitized and then also filed in our application management system. The original documents are returned to you immediately.

You can update and amend your documents whenever you wish. To do this, simply send an email to and attach your new documents or let us know what changes you wish to be made.

What are the collected personal data used for?

The processing of your personal data may only be carried out lawfully, in accordance with Art. 6 DSGVO. We process your data in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. (a) DSGVO. You have given your consent of the data obtained for you for one or more specific purposes.

The processing is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. (f), unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, which require the protection of personal data, override, in particular if the data subject, is a child.

Your application documents and the personal data contained therein will be used exclusively for the respective application process and the associated company of the Rhenus Group, according to your selection (to be indicated in the application form below), for decision-making in the application process.

All persons directly involved in the application process (HR departments, specialist departments, works councils) have access to your documents.

How do we ensure your data is secure?
Our application management system is operated by a contractor in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Rhenus Group and hosted on a server in Germany. Your data is automatically sent to the Rhenus Group in encrypted form (SSL encryption). The latest technology is always used to keep your data secure.

How long do we store your data?

After completion of the application process, your documents will be archived for another 90 days and then automatically and completely deleted. You will receive a corresponding confirmation of this by e-mail.

If you wish to have your data deleted earlier, please send us a short note by e-mail to:

What does inclusion in the applicant pool mean?

Inclusion in the Rhenus Group applicant pool is voluntary and, if applicable, is by separate invitation. If you decide to join our applicant pool, your personal data may be viewed by decision-makers at the Rhenus Group for the purpose of possible job placements. Your data will not be passed on to third parties outside the Rhenus Group.

The retention period in the applicant pool is initially 180 days. After that, you will receive an e-mail from us with an extension option. If you do not confirm this within 14 days, your data will be duly deleted.

If you wish to be deleted from the applicant pool prematurely, please send us a short note by e-mail to: We will then delete your data immediately. 

What happens in the case of parallel application procedures within the Rhenus Group?

If you have applied for several positions within the Rhenus Group at the same time, the departments for which you are participating in an application process will become aware of this.

The same applies if you apply for another vacancy within the Rhenus Group after a rejection within the retention period of your documents of 90 days.

Updating the data protection declaration

We are entitled to update or change this data protection declaration at any time and without prior notice. The existing level of data protection will, of course, be maintained. In the event of a change to the data protection provisions, we will inform you of this immediately by e-mail.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection in our applicant management system, please contact:

Rhenus Assets & Services GmbH & Co. KG

Service Center Personnel

Rhenus Platz 1

59439 Holzwickede


Phone: +49 (0)2301 29 0

Name and address of the data protection officer

Oliver Köhler

Rhenus Platz 1

59439 Holzwickede




Status: 08.09.2021

XVI. Friendly Captcha

We use Friendly Captcha on our website, a service provided by Friendly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3-5, 82237 Wörthsee, Germany.

Friendly Captcha is a privacy-friendly protection solution to make it more difficult for automated programs and scripts (so-called "bots") to use websites. Friendly Captcha thus protects websites from misuse. For this purpose, we have integrated a program code from Friendly Captcha in certain areas of our website, e.g. in a contact form. This causes the visitor's end device to establish a connection to the Friendly Captcha servers in connection with the protected area (e.g. sending a contact form). The visitor's browser receives a calculation task from Friendly Captcha. The complexity of the calculation task depends on various risk factors. The visitor's end device solves the calculation task, which requires certain system resources, and sends the calculation result to our web server. This contacts the Friendly Captcha server via an interface and receives a response as to whether the puzzle has been solved correctly by the end device.

In addition, the visitor's browser transmits connection data, environmental data, interaction data and functional data to Friendly Captcha. Friendly Captcha evaluates this data and determines how likely it is that it is a human user or bot and transmits the result to our web server.

Friendly Captcha does not store any personal data about the visitor. Data that could identify the visitor (such as IP addresses) is anonymized using one-way hashing. Friendly Captcha does not use HTTP cookies and does not store any data in the persistent browser memory.

The legal basis for the use of Friendly Captcha is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in protecting the website from abusive, automated crawling and spam.

Further information can be found at:




This website uses functions of the service "Google Ads" (formerly Google AdWords), a service of Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as "Google"). Google Ads enables us to draw attention to our attractive offers with the help of advertising media on external websites. This enables us to determine how successful individual advertising measures are. These advertising media are delivered by Google via so-called "AdServers". For this purpose, we use so-called AdServer cookies, which can be used to measure certain parameters for measuring success, such as display of the ads or clicks by users. If you access our website via a Google ad, Google Ads will store a cookie on your PC.

These cookies usually lose their validity after 30 days. They are not intended to identify you personally. The following information is usually stored as analysis values for this cookie: unique cookie ID, number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), last impression (relevant for post-view conversions), opt-out information (marking that the user no longer wishes to be addressed). These cookies allow Google to recognize your web browser. If a user visits certain pages of an Ads customer's website and the cookie stored on their computer has not yet expired, Google and the customer can recognize that the user clicked on the ad and was redirected to that page. A different cookie is assigned to each Ads customer. Cookies can therefore not be tracked across Ads customers' websites. We ourselves do not collect and process any personal data in the aforementioned advertising measures. We only receive statistical evaluations from Google. Based on these evaluations, we can see which of the advertising measures used are particularly effective. We do not receive any further data from the use of the advertising tools; in particular, we cannot identify users on the basis of this information. Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with Google's server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by Google through the use of Google Ads. According to our knowledge, Google receives the information that you have called up the relevant part of our website or clicked on an ad from us. If you have a user account with Google and are registered, Google can assign the visit to your user account. Even if you are not registered with Google or have not logged in, there is the possibility that Google learns your IP address and stores it.

The legal basis for the processing is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. If you do not want Google Ads to collect and process the aforementioned data, you can refuse your consent or revoke it at any time with effect for the future.

In the context of processing by Google Ads, data may be transmitted to the USA. The following recipients may be, among others, Google LLC. and Alphabet Inc. The security of the transmission is secured via so-called standard contractual clauses, which ensure that the processing of personal data is subject to a level of security that corresponds to that of the GDPR.

For more information about data processing by Google, please refer to Google's privacy policy:


We use the cookie management platform called OneTrust on our website to obtain your consent to the storage of certain cookies in your browser and to document this in compliance with data protection regulations. The provider is OneTrust Technology Limited (hereinafter "OneTrust"), 82 St John St, Farringdon , London EC1M 4JN, United Kingdom (UK).

By integrating a JavaScript code, a banner is displayed to users when the page is accessed, which gives the user the option of giving or rejecting their consent to the setting of cookies for individual purposes or individual functions of our website. The tool blocks the setting of all cookies that require consent until the respective user gives their consent. This ensures that cookies that require consent are only set on the user's end device if there is a legal basis. So that OneTrust can individually record and log the consent settings made by the user, the following user information is collected by the tool when our website is accessed:

• IP address (only temporarily to display the correct banner depending on the access location); • The user's respective consent settings, whereby we cannot trace which natural person is behind the user.

OneTrust is used to obtain the legally required consent for the use of cookies. The legal basis is Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR. We have concluded an order processing contract with OneTrust. This is a contract required by data protection law, which ensures that One Trust only processes the personal data of our website visitors according to our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR. We would like to point out that your data may be transferred to the USA. The data collected is stored until you ask us to delete it or delete the OneTrust cookie yourself, or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies. Mandatory statutory retention periods remain unaffected.

Details on the data processing of OneTrust cookies can be found in the OneTrust data protection declaration at




XIX. SalesViewer®

This website uses SalesViewer® technology from SalesViewer® GmbH on the basis of the website operator’s legitimate interests (Section 6 paragraph 1 lit.f GDPR) in order to collect and save data on marketing, market research and optimisation purposes. 

In order to do this, a javascript based code, which serves to capture company-related data and according website usage. The data captured using this technology are encrypted in a non-retrievable one-way function (so-called hashing). The data is immediately pseudonymised and is not used to identify website visitors personally 

The data stored by Salesviewer will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for their intended purpose and there are no legal obligations to retain them. 

The data recording and storage can be repealed at any time with immediate effect for the future, by clicking on in order to prevent SalesViewer® from recording your data. In this case, an opt-out cookie for this website is saved on your device. If you delete the cookies in the browser, you will need to click on this link again. 



1. Right of access

You can request confirmation from us as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed by us. If such processing has taken place, you can request information from us about the following:

(1) the purposes for which the personal data is being processed;

(2) the categories of personal data that are being processed;

(3) the recipients or the categories of recipients to whom the personal data related to you has been disclosed or is still being disclosed;

(4) the planned time span for storing the personal data related to you or, if specific details on this are not possible, the criteria for determining the time span for storage;

(5) the existence of any right to correct or delete the personal data related to you, a right to restrict the processing of the data by the controller or a right to object to this processing of data;  

(6) the existence of a right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority;

(7) all the information that is available about the origin of the data, if the personal data is not being gathered from the person involved;

You can receive a free copy of your data from us. If you are interested in further copies, we reserve the right to charge you for the additional copies.

2. Right to rectification

You have the right to have the controller correct and/or complete any data, if the personal data that is being processed and concerns you is incorrect or incomplete. The controller must make the correction immediately.

3. Right to restriction of processing

You may demand restrictions on the processing of the personal data related to you in the following situations:

(1) if you dispute the correctness of the personal data related to you for a period that enables the controller to check the correctness of the personal data;

(2) if the processing of the data is illegal and you reject any deletion of your personal data and demand that restrictions are placed on the use of your personal data instead;

(3) if the controller no longer requires the personal data for the purposes of processing it, but you require it to assert, exercise or defend legal claims; or

(4) if you have lodged an objection to the processing according to Article 21 Para. 1 of the GDPR and it is not yet clear whether the legitimate reasons presented by the controller override your reasons.

4. Right to erasure

You may demand from the controller that the personal data related to you is deleted immediately and the controller shall be obliged to delete this data immediately if one of the following reasons applies:

(1) the personal data related to you is no longer required for the purposes for which it was gathered or processed in some other way;

(2) you withdraw your consent, on which the processing of the data was based according to Article 6 Para. 1 a) or Article 9 Para. 2 a) of the GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for processing the data;

(3) you lodge an objection against any processing of the data according to Article 21 Para. 1 of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing of the data or you lodge an objection to the processing of the data according to Article 21 Para. 2 of the GDPR;

(4) the personal data related to you has been processed illegally;

(5) the deletion of the personal data related to you is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation according to the laws of the Union or the law of the member states, to which the controller is subject;  

(6) the personal data related to you was gathered in relation to information society services according to Article 8 Para. 1 of the GDPR.

a) Exceptions

There is no right to have the data deleted if the processing of the data is required:

(1) to exercise the right of free expression and information;

(2) to meet a legal obligation, which requires the processing of the data according to the laws of the Union or the member states, to which the controller is subject, or to perform a task that is of public interest or takes place in connection with exercising any state authority that has been transferred to the controller;

(3) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health according to Article 9 Para. 2 h) and i) as well as Article 9 Para. 3 of the GDPR;

(4) for archiving purposes that are in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes according to Article 89 Para. 1 of the GDPR, if the right cited in paragraph a) will probably make the achievement of the goals of this processing of data impossible or will serious impair it; or

(5) to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

5. Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data related to you, which you have made available to the controller, in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format. You also have the right to transfer this data to a different controller without any obstruction by the first controller, to which the personal data was made available, if

(1) the processing of the data is based on consent in line with Article 6 Para. 1 a) of the GDPR or Article 9 Para. 2 a) of the GDPR or on a contract according to Article 6 Para. 1 b) of the GDPR and

(2) the processing of the data takes place using automated procedures.

When exercising this right, you also have the right to ensure that the personal data related to you is directly transferred from one controller to a different controller, if this is technically feasible. The freedoms and rights of other persons may not be impaired by this process.

The right to data portability shall not apply to any processing of personal data that is necessary to perform a task that is in the public interest or takes place in connection with exercising any state authority that has been transferred to the controller.

6. The right to object

You have the right to lodge an objection at any time to the processing of the personal data related to you, if this takes place according to Article 6 Para. 1 e) or f) of the GDPR, for reasons arising from your particular situation; this shall also apply to any profiling supported by these stipulations. In this case we will no longer process your data. The latter does not apply if we can prove that there are compelling reasons for processing worthy of protection which outweigh your interests or if we need your data to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

If the personal data related to you is processed to provide direct marketing, you have the right to lodge an objection to the processing of the personal data related to you for the purpose of this kind of advertising at any time; this shall also apply to profiling, if it is connected to this kind of direct marketing. If you object to the processing of the data for the purposes of direct marketing, the personal data related to you will no longer be processed for these purposes.

7. The right to cancel the declaration of consent under data protection law

You have the right to cancel your declaration of consent provided under data protection law at any time. By cancelling your consent, the legitimacy of the processing of the data that was performed on the basis of your consent until your cancellation shall not be affected.

8. The right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority

Regardless of any different administrative law or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the member state of your place of residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged breach, if you believe that the processing of the personal data related to you breaches the GDPR.

XXI. DoubleClick

This website uses functions of Google DoubleClick. The provider is Google Ireland Limited ("Google"), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

DoubleClick is used to show you interest-based ads across the Google advertising network. In order to be able to show users interest-based advertising, DoubleClick must recognize the respective viewer and be able to assign the websites they have visited, clicks and other information on user behavior to them. For this purpose, DoubleClick uses cookies or comparable recognition technologies (e.g. device fingerprinting). Google DoubleClick uses a special cookie script. This draws among other things on:

• the number of page views,

• the surfing behavior of users on the site,

• the IP address of the user,

• previously visited pages and

• for searching for used keywords.

The information collected is combined into a pseudonymous user profile in order to display interest-based advertising to the user concerned. If you have a Google account, the search engine associates the data obtained with the information available in the Google account.

As part of processing by Google, data may be transmitted to the USA. The following recipients may include Google LLC. and Alphabet Inc. The level of data protection in the USA is currently not equivalent to that in the EU. This is due in particular to far-reaching official access rights to personal data processed by companies and insufficient legal protection options for data subjects. The security of the transmission is secured by so-called standard contractual clauses, which ensure that the processing of personal data is subject to a security level that corresponds to that of the GDPR.

Processing takes place exclusively on the basis of Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. 6 paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. For more information on how to object to the ads displayed by Google, please see



XXII. Leadinfo

We use the lead generation service provided by Leadinfo B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands, which recognizes visits of companies to our website based on IP addresses and shows us related publicly available information, such as company names or addresses. In addition, Leadinfo places two first-party cookies for providing transparency on how our visitors use our website and the tool processes domains from provided form inputs (e.g. “”) to correlate IP addresses with companies and to enhance its services. For additional information, please visit On this page: you have an opt-out option. In the event of an opt-out, your data will no longer be used by Leadinfo.